General Interest, Life Stuff

This Chicken Tender Bracket Shows Truly Terrible Taste

It’s March, and that means brackets of things are all the rage. This means someone made a bracket ranking all the chicken tenders of the fast food world.

Chicken strips are my favorite food, because even though I am 24, my dietary habits would resemble what they did at age 12 if I didn’t think I would be dead by 34 as a result. So I eat vegetables now and as often as I can, but I also eat chicken tenders regularly. I know that will eventually have to change as age and my metabolism really catch up, but for now I eat a lot of fried chicken and have very strong opinions about my experience doing so.

And I don’t know who put this bracket together, but they deserve to be smacked upside the head with a chicken strip for the crap job they did. Continue reading
