General Interest, Life Stuff

This Chicken Tender Bracket Shows Truly Terrible Taste

It’s March, and that means brackets of things are all the rage. This means someone made a bracket ranking all the chicken tenders of the fast food world.

Chicken strips are my favorite food, because even though I am 24, my dietary habits would resemble what they did at age 12 if I didn’t think I would be dead by 34 as a result. So I eat vegetables now and as often as I can, but I also eat chicken tenders regularly. I know that will eventually have to change as age and my metabolism really catch up, but for now I eat a lot of fried chicken and have very strong opinions about my experience doing so.

And I don’t know who put this bracket together, but they deserve to be smacked upside the head with a chicken strip for the crap job they did. Continue reading

General Interest

Memorial Day

There are 37,000 American flags in Boston Common right now, stuck into the ground on the side of a hill at the foot of the Soldiers and Sailors Monument. Each of those flags is planted in the ground in honor of one member of the United States armed forces from Massachusetts who has given their life in the service of their country. It is a powerful thing to see those flags fluttering in the breeze, to see a physical representation of the price at which our freedom has been purchased.

Memorial Day began in 1868 as Decoration Day, the day when those who had lived through the carnage of the Civil War would decorate with flowers and flags the graves of those who had given their lives that the Union would not be torn asunder. As the 19th gave way to the 20th century and America found herself becoming more and more involved in world conflicts, Decoration Day was generalized to be a day of remembrance for all those who had given their lives while serving in the military. Continue reading
